Kingdom Kids Corner.

Building the foundation of the future starting with preparing children to seek God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.

“Interacting with today’s kids to transform tomorrow.”

Kingdom Tots

Kingdom Tots include ages 1 to 4.

Our tots will meet bi-weekly online to engage with the Word of God through interactive study. They will meet together and work through different fun activities to learn and grow their hearts and minds in the Word.

Humble Hearts.

Here children will interact with one another and the Bible to gain fundamental knowledge of scripture to help them incorporate biblical principles into their lives at an early ages 5 to 10.

Unique Defenders

We know sometimes it can be challenging to grow up as a Christian and not give into peer pressure and to find your uniqueness within the crowd. We seek to help kids ages 11 to 14 to discover more about who they are in Christ.


Helping prepare young adults to be champions as they enter adulthood by supplying building blocks to be effective Christian adults. Ages 15 to 18

Join Kingdom Kids.